Neurons from the larval neuromuscular junction are stained with Nc82 showing the synaptic active zones. (A–F) Upon glioma induction (B), the number of synapses (gray) is reduced when compared with the control (A). The number of synapses is restored upon knockdown in the glioma of Fz1 (C), igl (D), or armS10; Fz1-RNAi (E). The quantification of synapse number in all genotypes is shown in panel F. (G–J) Upon knockdown of wg (I) or Fz1 in D42 neurons (H), the number of synapses (gray) is reduced when compared with the control (G). Arrows indicate synapses. The quantification of synapse number in all genotypes is shown in panel J. (K–N) Upon glioma induction the number of synapses (gray) is reduced (L) when compared with the control (K). The number of synapses is restored upon overexpression of Fz1, specifically in the neurons (M). The quantification of synapse number is shown in panel N. Yellow arrows show active zones. Error bars show SD; ***P < 0.0001, **P < 0.001, *P < 0.01, and ns for nonsignificant. The data underlying this figure can be found in S1 Data. Genotypes: (A) w;; repo-Gal4, ihog-RFP/UAS-lacZ, (B) UAS-dEGFRλ, UAS-dp110CAAX;; repo-Gal4, UAS-ihog-RFP, (C) UAS-dEGFRλ, UAS-dp110CAAX; UAS-Fz1-RNAi; repo-Gal4, UAS-ihog-RFP, (D) UAS-dEGFRλ, UAS-dp110CAAX;; repo-Gal4, UAS-ihog-RFP /UAS-igl-RNAi, (E) UAS-armS10/UAS-dEGFRλ, UAS-dp110CAAX; UAS-Fz1-RNAi; repo-Gal4, UAS-ihog-RFP.UAS-ihog-RFP, (G) w; UAS-CD8-GFP; D42-Gal4/UAS-lacZ, (H) w; UAS-CD8-GFP/Fz1-RNAi; D42-Gal4, (I) w; UAS-CD8-GFP/wg-RNAi; D42-Gal4, (K) w; repo-Gal4, ihog-RFP/UAS-lacZ, (L) UAS-dEGFRλ, UAS-dp110CAAX; lexAop-Fz1; repo-Gal4, UAS-ihog-RFP, (M) UAS-dEGFRλ, UAS-dp110CAAX; lexAop-fz1/ elav-lexA, lexAop-CD8-GFP; repo-Gal4, UAS-ihog-RFP. Fz1, Frizzled1; igl, igloo; Wg, wingless.