This figure shows the same analysis and results as in
Figure 3, but summarized using response mean rather than peak. (
A) Baseline-subtracted responses (mean ± SEM) to bar pair combinations presented at different positions along the PD–ND axis (same as in
Figure 3). (
B) Boxplot summary of response means for (
A) (same color conventions). Top: response means, Middle and Bottom: second bar means for measured and summed responses. (
C) Boxplot summary of differences in response means for all (non-overlapping) bar pair stimuli presented. Top: difference between PD and ND, positive value indicates a directionally selective response. Middle: difference between second bar response means for measured and summed PD responses. Positive value indicates PD enhancement. Bottom: same as middle, but for ND. Negative value indicates ND suppression (* indicates mean significantly differs from zero, unpaired t-test corrected for multiple comparisons by controlling for the false discovery rate with q = 0.075). Boldface positions are presented in (
A and
B). (
D) Comparison of directional selectivity versus linearity of response for all presented bar pair combinations, including data from (
C) and responses to overlapping positions (see Materials and methods). Each dot corresponds to the mean (of n ≥ 3 cells) response differences for each position pair (± SEM). Marker size indicates bar width (small for 2, large for 4-pixel wide), marker fill indicates duration (empty 40 ms, filled 160 ms). Results of linear regression in black (non-significant slope for Measured
PD - Sum
PD vs. Mean
PD - Mean
ND , [−0.25, 0.21], 95% confidence interval; significant slope for Measured
ND - Sum
ND vs. Mean
PD - Mean
ND ,. [−0.6,–0.21], 95% confidence interval).