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. 2019 Dec 18;2019(12):CD011016. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011016.pub2

4. Table 4. Summary of ocular surface staining procedures and grading scales.

Study Corneal fluorescein Conjunctival fluorescein Corneal lissamine green Conjunctival lissamine green Corneal rose bengal Conjunctival rose bengal
Aragona 2005 Scale not specified (scored from 0 to 15) NA NA NA NA NA
Asbell 2018 Scale not specified (scored from 0 to 15) NA NA Scale not specified (scored from 0 to 6) NA NA
Barabino 2003 NA NA NA van Bijsterveld scale NA NA
Bhargava 2013 NA NA NA NA van Bijsterveld scale (graded from 0 to 9)
Brignole‐Baudouin 2011 Oxford scale NA NA van Bijsterveld scale NA NA
Creuzot 2006 Oxford scale NA NA van Bijsterveld scale NA NA
Creuzot‐Garcher 2011 Oxford scale NA van Bijsterveld scale NA NA
Deinema 2017 Oxford scale NA NA Oxford scale NA NA
Epitropoulos 2016 Oxford scale NA NA NA NA NA
Goyal 2017 National Eye Institute/Industry workshop scale NA NA National Eye Institute/Industry workshop scale NA NA
Kawakita 2013 Scale not specified (scored from 0 to 9) NA NA Scale not specified (scored from 0 to 9)
Kawashima 2016 Japanese diagnostic criteria NA NA NA NA
Kokke 2008 CCLRU scale CCLRU scale NA NA van Bijsterveld scale van Bijsterveld scale
NCT01107964 NA NA Scale not specified (scored from 0 to 9) NA NA
Macsai 2008 National Eye Institute/Industry workshop scale NA NA NA NA Six regions of conjunctiva, each graded from 0 to 3
Manthorpe 1984 NA NA NA NA van Bijsterveld scale
Oleñik 2013 Oxford scale Oxford scale NA NA NA NA
Oxholm 1986 NA NA NA NA van Bijsterveld scale
Sheppard 2013 Scale not specified NA NA Scale not specified NA NA
Theander 2002 NA NA van Bijsterveld scale NA NA
Wojtowicz 2011 NA NA National Eye Institute/Industry workshop scale NA NA NA

CCLRU, Cornea and Contact Lens Research Unit; NA, not applicable (not investigated in this study).

References to grading scales: CCLRU scale (Terry 1993); Japanese diagnostic criteria (Uchino 2012); National Eye Institute/Industry workshop scale (Lemp 1995); Oxford scale (Bron 2003); van Bijsterveld (van Bijsterveld 1969).