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. 2019 Dec 17;3:70. doi: 10.1186/s41687-019-0159-5

Table 5.

Results presented in articles

Article and PROM Structural Validity Internal Consistency Cross-cultural validity Reliability Measurement Error Construct Validity Responsiveness

Zelle et al. (2017)


N/R N/R N/R ICC or weighted kappa not reported N/R

AAOS-CS with SF-36-PCS r = 0.667

AAOS-CS with SF-36-MCS r = 0.506

AAOS-SCS with SF-36-PCS rs = 0.358

AAOS SCS with SF-36-MCS rs = 0.356

McPhail et al. (2014) A-FORM N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R
Buker et al. (2017) OMAS N/R Cronbach’s Alpha 0.76 N/R ICC 0.98 N/R OMAS with 5 FAOS Subscales: pain r = 0.788, symptoms r = 0.753, ADL r = 0.798, sports r = 0.809, QoL r = 0.772 N/R
Garratt et al. (2018) OMAS CFI 0.99 and TLI 0.98 Cronbach’s Alpha 0.82 N/R ICC 0.92 MIC not defined

OMAS with SEFAS rs = 0.88

OMAS with SF-36-PCS rs = 0.77

OMAS with EQ-5D rs = 0.79

Olerud and Molander (1984) OMAS N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R
Turhan et al. (2017) OMAS N/R Cronbach’s Alpha 0.84 N/R ICC 0.98 MIC not defined

OMAS with FAAM-ADL r = 0.86

OMAS with FAAM-S r = 0.83

OMAS with SF-12-PCS r = 0.72

OMAS with SF-12-MCS r = 0.60


Key: r = Pearson’s correlation, rs = Spearman’s correlation, ADL = Activities of Daily Living, QoL = Quality of life, FAAM-ADL = FAAM Activities of Daily Living Subscale, FAAM-S – FAAM Sports Subscale, AAO-CS = AAOS Core Score, AAOS-SCS = AAOS Shoe Comfort Scale, PCS=Physical component Score, MCS = Mental component Score, EQ-5D = EuroQol EQ-5D-5 L Score, ICC=Intraclass correlation coefficient, TLI = Tucker Lewis index, CFI=Confirmatory Factor Analysis, MIC = Minimally Important Change