Figure 3.
I8-arachnotocin is an agonist at human V2R, V1bR, and OTR. Concentration-dependent accumulation of second messengers (cAMP and IP1) after receptor stimulation of (a) OTR, (b) V1aR, (c) V1bR and (d) V2R with I8-arachnotocin (30 pM – 30 µM). Results were normalized to accumulation of IP1 and cAMP above baseline and maximal activation of the receptors by their endogenous ligands (OT for OTR and VP for VPRs). Data points were fitted by nonlinear regression curves (sigmoidal, slope = 1); error bars depict SEM; n = 3. For EC50 and Emax values refer to Table 1.