Fig. 2.
Genetic affinities of the Syltholm individual. a Principal component analysis of modern Eurasian individuals (in grey) and a selection of over 100 previously published ancient genomes, including the Syltholm genome. The ancient individuals were projected on the modern variation (see Methods). b Allele-sharing estimates between the Syltholm individual, other Mesolithic and Neolithic individuals, and WHGs versus EHGs and Neolithic farmers, respectively, as measured by the statistic f4(Yoruba, X; EHG/Barcın, WHG). c Ancestry proportions based on qpAdm12, specifying WHG, EHG, and Neolithic farmers (Barcın) as potential ancestral source populations. PWC Pitted Ware Culture, LBK Linearbandkeramik, GAC Globular Amphora Culture, LP Late Paleolithic, M Mesolithic, EN Early Neolithic, MN Middle Neolithic, LN Late Neolithic. Data are shown in Supplementary Tables 4–6.