Figure 5.
Cellular velocities of MCF10A cells. (A) Cellular velocities for five representative cells during the entire observation interval. Left: MCF10AGIRK1, right: MCF10AGFP. Red x denotes times were the cell was aggregated, green asterisk indicates cell division. (B) Statistical analysis of average cellular velocities of free moving cells derived from the different experimental groups. WT: MCF10AWT, eGFP: MCF10AeGFP and GIRK1: MCF10AGIRK1. The median value is represented by the black line within the box, box margins represent 75% and 25% percentiles, whiskers indicate 90% and 10% percentiles. The red line represents the mean value. Individual values are shown as dots. The number of individual cells is given in parenthesis besides each box. Statistically significant differences between groups are indicated by brackets. (C) Similar to (B) but cellular velocities of aggregated cells.