(A) Tb profile, (B) percentage of body weight loss and (C) energy expenditure of lean mice on 50% CR, before, during and after administration of DH or Vehicle. (D) Tb profile (E) percentage of body weight loss. (A-E) n= 6 mice per treatment; graphs show mean ± SEM. Tb. energy expenditure and body weight differences between treatments were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Sidak’s multiple comparisons test (A) F (4, 50) = 100.8, P <0.0001; Sidak’s: P <0.0005 each day on treatment. (B) F(1, 10) = 13.77, P = 0.0040; Sidak’s: P < 0.03 each day on treatment. (C) F (1, 20) = 15.35 P = 0.0009; Sidak’s: *P <0.05 each day on treatment. (D) F (1, 63) = 270.4, P <0.0001; Sidak’s: *P <0.05 for specific time-points between groups. (E) F(1, 10) = 97.31, P < 0.0001; Sidak’s: P < 0.0001 each day. Abbreviations: T: treatment, NT: no treatment, CR: calorie restriction and AL: ad libitum. The effects of Dippa Hydrochloride on food intake are shown in Figure S3.