Vaccination with CPS2 delays the onset of ST258 pneumonia. (A) Representative radiographic images of lungs from an NHP vaccinated with CPS2 (Kp9) and from a sham-vaccinated NHP (Kp13) before infection with ST258 (Kp9-D0, Kp13-D0), 1 day postinfection (Kp9-D1, Kp13-D1), and 5 days postinfection (Kp9-D5, Kp13-D5). Dashed yellow line indicates radiographic changes due to ST258 infection. (B) Quantitation of severity of radiographic scores. (C) Quantitation of severity of lung histopathology scores. Statistical analyses for data in panel B, on day 1, day 3, and day 5, were performed using an unpaired, two-tailed t test with Welch’s correction. *, P = 0.012. The number of animals in each group (vaccinated or sham) on these days is provided in parentheses. ns, not significant at the level of P ≤ 0.05.