Fig. 4.
ELMo-based architecture adopted for SeqVec. First, an input sequence, e.g. “S E Q W E N C E” (shown at bottom row), is padded with special tokens indicating the start (“<start>”) and the end (“<end>”) of the sentence (here: protein sequences). On the 2nd level (2nd row from bottom), character convolutions (CharCNN, [94]) map each word (here: amino acid) onto a fixed-length latent space (here: 1024-dimensional) without considering information from neighboring words. On the third level (3rd row from bottom), the output of the CharCNN-layer is used as input by a bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (LSTM, [45]) which introduces context-specific information by processing the sentence (protein sequence) sequentially. For simplicity, only the forward pass of the bi-directional LSTM-layer is shown (here: 512-dimensional). On the fourth level (4th row from bottom), the second LSTM-layer operates directly on the output of the first LSTM-layer and tries to predict the next word given all previous words in a sentence. The forward and backward pass are optimized independently during training in order to avoid information leakage between the two directions. During inference, the hidden states of the forward and backward pass of each LSTM-layer are concatenated to a 1024-dimensional embedding vector summarizing information from the left and the right context