List of All The Features Extracted From Each Epoch of The Signal
S/N | Name | Description |
1 | Mean | The mean value of the time series signal |
2 | Median | The median value of the time series signal |
3 | RMS | The root mean square value of the time series signal |
4 | Max | Maximum value of the signal |
5 | Min | Minimum value of the signal |
6 | SD | Standard deviation of the signal |
7 | MedFreq | The median value of the frequency |
8 | FreqPX1 | Cutoff value of the first peak |
9 | FreqPX2 | Cutoff value of the second peak |
10 | FreqPY1 | Ordinate of the first peak |
11 | FreqPY2 | Ordinate of the second peak |
12 | PFreq | Peak value of frequency |
13 | NPeak | Number of peaks in a spectrum |
14 | IntFreq | Integral of the frequency spectrum |
15 | Avg | Average value of the sample points |
16 | SqrMag25 | The square sum of the magnitude below 25% |
17 | SqrMag75 | The square sum of the magnitude below 75% |