Table 4.
Paramedic-performed LUS.
First author Year Country | Patients n | Patient population | Paramedics n | LUS aim | # zones | Positive zone Positive overall | Didactic training; hands-on training | Reference standard | Image adequacy and Diagnostic accuracy |
Becker 201829 United States | 25 | Ambulance, undifferentiated respiratory distressa | 17 | B-lines | Four (continuous clips of anterior and lateral chest) | Predominance of B-lines based on predefined protocol28 |
0.5 hours plus extra material and refresher-training offered; 1.5 hours | Expert image review | Image adequacy: 41.2% Agreement with expert diagnosis: 62.5% |
Complaints of shortness of breath, or objective signs of respiratory distress, or non-invasively measured SpO2 < 92%. LUS: lung ultrasound; SpO2: oxygen saturation.