Microdevices increase mucosal to serosal transport of R123 in an ex vivo mouse model. Jejunum was sectioned to form intestinal sacs where R123 transport was measured over time in the presence and absence of microdevices (3000 microdevices/cm2) or CSA. A) Fold change of R123 transport compared to control, without microdevices. (Two-way ANOVA, Mean ± SD; *p<0.05 w.r.t. untreated control, n=6 Control, n=4 CSA, n=6 Microdevices) B) Calculated Papp of R123 transport with an increase in Papp from 0.2*10−6 cm/sec (control) to 0.35*10−6 cm/sec with microdevices and 0.33*10−6 cm/sec with CSA. R123 transport from mucosal to serosal side was increased with microdevices. (Two-tailed t-test, Mean ± SD;* p<0.05 w.r.t. untreated control, n=6 Control, n=4 CSA, n=6 Microdevices)