Fig. 2 ∣. Interactions of PF846 with the human ribosome.
a-b, Phylogenetic analysis of the 28S rRNA binding pocket in eukaryotes (a) and bacteria (b). Nucleotides that interact with PF846 are labeled with an asterisk (*). Nucleotides with capital letters (AUCG), are over 98% conserved, nucleotides with small letters (aucg) are 90%-98% conserved. Nucleotides denoted by filled or open circles represent a conservation of 80% to 90%, or less than 80%, respectively. c-d, PF846 chemical and three-dimensional structure, respectively. e, 28S rRNA residues with direct interactions with the piperidine ring of PF846. Surfaces represent the van der Waals radii of the C, N and O atoms. f-h, Interactions of PF846 and nucleotides from 28S rRNA. i, Interaction of the chloro-pyridine ring with U4517, with van der Waals surfaces as in e.