Figure 3.
Up‐regulation of metabolic genes by GmWRI1a overexpression in hairy roots as revealed by RNA‐Seq analysis. (a) Schematic display the GmWRI1‐up‐regulated pathways and metabolic genes involved in the plastidic glycolysis, FA biosynthesis and ER TAG biosynthesis according to transcriptome data. GmWRI1a transgenic hairy roots were used for RNA‐Seq analyses, with GFP‐expressing hairy roots as controls. All up‐regulated genes compared with GFP control were marked in blue. (b) qRT‐PCR verification of transcript levels of GmWRI1‐targeted genes involved in glycolysis, FA synthesis and TAG production were analysed on transgenic hairy root lines overexpressing GmWRI1a, b or b’. Data are from three biological replicates and expressed as means ± SD. Two‐tailed Student's t‐test, *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 by two‐tailed Student's t‐test for significant differences.