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. 2019 Nov 7;40(1):130–137. doi: 10.1038/s41372-019-0548-x

Table 1.

Maternal and infant characteristics

Characteristic BPD (n = 2696) No BPD (n = 5302) p value
N % N %
Maternal age 0.57
 —19 and younger 294 10.9 544 10.3
 —20–29 years old 1158 43.0 2254 42.6
 —30–39 years old 1063 39.5 2168 40.9
 —40 years or older 176 6.5 329 6.2
Maternal race 0.17
 —Black 347 12.9 681 12.9
 —Hispanic 1348 50.2 2550 48.3
 —White 667 24.8 1417 26.9
 —Asian 264 9.8 501 9.5
 —American Indian 5 0.2 24 0.5
 —Other 54 2.0 102 1.9
Maternal education 0.14
 —Less than high school 691 27.0 1356 27.0
 —High school graduate or GED 699 27.3 1363 27.2
 —Some college 520 20.3 1001 20.0
 —Associate degree 139 5.4 216 4.3
 —Undergraduate degree 337 13.2 678 13.5
 —Postgraduate degree 174 6.8 403 8.0
Maternal BMI 0.04
 —Underweight 98 4.1 178 3.7
 —Normal weight 973 40.7 2102 43.8
 —Overweight 635 26.6 1277 26.6
 —Obese 683 28.6 1245 25.9
Delivery Payer 0.20
 —Medicaid 1516 56.5 2855 54.0
 —Private 986 36.8 2062 39.0
 —Uninsured 88 3.3 183 3.5
 —Other 91 3.4 183 3.5
Nulliparity 1203 44.6 2207 41.6 0.01
Smoking 97 3.7 170 3.3 0.33
Fetal distress 630 23.5 1171 22.1 0.17
Fetal IUGR 226 8.4 292 5.5 <0.001
Maternal chorioamnionitis 296 11.1 466 8.8 0.001
Maternal diabetes 209 7.8 499 9.4 0.016
Maternal hypertension 522 20.6 1080 20.4 0.82
Obstetrical bleeding 661 24.6 1110 20.9 <0.001
Premature ROM 201 32.3 420 32.2 0.96
Prolonged ROM 1054 39.2 1849 34.9 <0.001
GBS positive 218 28.4 485 28.7 0.86
Prenatal care 2588 96.5 5071 96.2 0.57
Antenatal steroids 2091 83.5 4399 84.1 0.55
Cesarean section 1977 73.3 3747 70.7 0.013
Spontaneous labor 1897 70.6 3816 72.2 0.12
Outborn 305 11.3 599 11.3 0.98
Apgar 5 min score <0.001
 —0–4 359 13.4 354 6.7
 —5–7 1099 41.0 1547 29.3
 —8–10 1220 45.6 3382 64.0
Birth weight <0.001
 —750 g or less 1061 39.4 589 11.1
 —751–1000 g 1024 38.0 1523 28.7
 —1001–1250 g 467 17.3 1914 36.1
 —1251 g or greater 144 5.3 1276 24.1
Gestational age <0.001
 —22 to <24 weeks 193 7.2 70 1.3
 —24 to <26 weeks 966 35.8 659 12.4
 —26 to <28 weeks 926 34.3 1596 30.1
 —28 to <30 weeks 611 22.7 2977 56.1
Multiple gestation 608 22.6 1325 25.0 0.016
Male 1579 58.6 2647 49.9 <0.001
Small for gestational age 363 13.5 359 6.8 <0.001

BMI body mass index, GBS group B streptococcus, GED general education diploma, IUGR intrauterine growth restriction, ROM rupture of membranes