Figure 4.
Non-metric dimensional scaling of the microbial 16S rRNA genes and the relative proportions of the major taxonomic groups shown in the half circle. (a) Bacterial 16S rRNA genes and their taxonomic affiliations (average of the six samples from the same distance). Colors indicate lineages: greens, Verrucomicrobia; yellows, Planctomycetes; purples, Alphaproteobacteria; and greys, Acidobacteria. (b) Archaeal 16S rRNA genes and their taxonomic affiliations. The color of the dots in the NMDS plot indicates the sample distance from the centre of the lake. The small black dot on each NMDS point indicates the transect of origin of the sample (N, NE, S, SE, SW, NW) and is placed according to the orientation of the compass in the top left corner. TL: centre of the thermokarst pond.