Fig. 1.
PGC-1α KO iMEFs have a greater oncogenic potential than WT iMEFs. A) Matrigel plugs with embedded WT and KO iMEFs from injected in C56BL/6j mice. Top-left, H&E-stained sections. Top-center, immunofluorescence (IF) analysis of GFP+ cells. Top-right, IF analysis of Ki67+ cells. Bottom panels, quantitative analysis of cell counts. B) Tumors dissected from NOD-SCID mice injected with WT and KO iMEFs. Left, full size tumors. Right, tumor volume. C) Histological analysis of primary tumors. Top-left, H&E staining. Bottom left, IHQ Ki67 staining. Right, quantitative analysis of Ki67+ cells. D) Ki67 staining shows the presence of hyper-proliferative nodules in KO but not in WT iMEFs tumors. Data are mean ± standard deviation. *, p < 0.05; **, p ≤ 0.01; ***, p ≤ 0.005.