Figure 1.
Representative views of the SVZ and the floor of the CC 7 days post-injection of the various treatments.
(A) The expression of nestin by host NSCs was not affected by the saline injection. (B) Very few cells co-expressed HSP90 as shown by the arrows. (C) We know that they are host cells because they do not show the FB label. (D) The merged picture of the same field confirms the co-localization of nestin and HSP90. (E) The brain tissue of mice that received NMDA and CG4 cells did not display healthy GFP-nestin-expressing cells; some flat cells were the only ones visible and the brain tissue displayed sponge-like texture. The region delineated by the white shape shows where tissue was missing. (F) The flat layer of cells in the brain parenchyma intensely expressed the inducible form of HSP90. (G) There were not FB-labeled cells in this region. (H) The merged picture shows the presence of nestin-expressing flat cells co-labeled with HSP90 in an almost one to one basis. (I) The brains of mice that were treated with the combinatorial approach (cells and TSC1) displayed nestin-expressing cells in the vicinity of the implant site although in reduced numbers when compared with saline-treated mice. (J) Some nestin positive cells appeared to express HSP90. Nonetheless, both host nestin-negative cells of flat appearance and nestin-positive cells predominantly expressed HSP90. (K) The survival of the graft could be appreciated, as numerous intensely FB-labeled cells were present in the host parenchyma. (L) Merging the views of the same field shows some nestin/HSP90-positive flat host cells (open arrows), many FB-labeled/HSP90-negative grafted cells (thin arrows)) and very few small nestin-positive cells co-expressing HSP90 (arrowheads). CC: Corpus callosum; CG4: central glial 4 cells; FB: Fast Blue; GFP: green fluorescent protein; HSP90: heat shock protein 90; NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate; NSCs: neural stem cells; PI: post-injection; SVZ: subventricular zone; TSC1: the combination of transferrin and insulin growth factor 1.