Fig. 4.
Neutralizing antibody responses in post-transplant serum samples from vaccinated individuals appear faster than in placebo recipients.
HCMV (Merlin strain) was incubated with neutralizing antibody ITC88 (ITC) or sera (1:10) from seronegative patients from the phase II trial. For controls, pooled serum from healthy seropositive (+ve) or seronegative (-ve) donors were used (n = 10). Following incubation, the antibody:virus mixes were used to inoculate HFFs in vitro (MOI=1). Infection was measured by IE staining and the proportion of infected cells calculated by counterstaining nuclei with DAPI. Sera was analysed from vaccine recipients receiving a kidney (R1-R5; red) or liver (L1-L5; blue), or placebo recipients (yellow) receiving a kidney (PR1 & 2) or liver (LR1 & 2). The average percentage infection following incubation with post-transplant serum is shown for each individual A) at the day of transplantation B) 7 days post transplantation, C) 35 days post transplantation, D) 63 days post transplantation and E) 90 days post transplantation. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)