Fig. 6.
H3K27me3 is lost at the promoters of persistently upregulated (PU) genes. a–d ChIP-qPCR comparison of H3K27me3 levels between UT and Ni-W cells at the promoters of candidate PU-A (a), PU-B (b), PD-A (c) and PD-B (d) genes. While PU gene promoters showed loss of H3K27me3 (a and b) , no significant alterations in H3K27me3 levels were detected at the PD gene promoters (c and d). ChIP-qPCR results shown as fold enrichment of H3K27me3 over IgG. Error bars correspond to standard deviations from at least two biological replicates. In a and b, asterisk indicates statistically significant decrease in H3K27me3 levels in Ni-W cells compared to UT cells. In c and d, asterisk indicates statistically significant increase in H3K27me3 levels in Ni-W cells compared to UT cells. Statistical significance was evaluated using one-tailed t-test (P < 0.05*; P < 0.01**; P < 0.001***; P < 0.0001****). n.s. not significant