Figure 5.
Majority-rules copolymerization. (a) Reaction set for the supramolecular polymerization of two enantiomers (R and S) into aggregates with two opposite helical senses (P and M). The gray parts represent aggregates of arbitrary length and composition. (b) Equilibrium concentrations of copolymers of both helical senses containing jR monomers and kS monomers. (c) Mass-balance equations. (d) Fitting of the model (lines, ΔHe° = −66 kJ·mol–1, ΔSe = −101.5 J·mol–1·K–1, NP = −35 kJ·mol–1, and MMP = −2.1 kJ·mol–1) to experimental CD titration curves (symbols). (e) Speciation plot for the fit at 313 K. (f) Cooling curves corresponding to data in Figure 1c. (g) Zoom in on the monomer concentrations in (e) explaining the experimental observation of two time scales in racemization. Panels (d–f) adapted with permission from ref (30). Copyright 2011 Springer Nature.