Summary of the parameters for the generation of the synthetic test cases and the inversion. We report values for the following parameters: Ni , i = 1, 2, 3 denotes the grid size used for the discretization of the problem; ρw and ρg are the characteristic reaction factors for white and gray matter, ρ
f is the overall reaction scaling factor; kw and kg are the characteristic diffusion parameters for white and gray matter, k
f the overall scaling parameter for the isotropic part of the inhomogeneous diffusion coefficient for net migration of cancerous cells into surrounding tissue; n
p is the number of Gaussian basis functions used for the parametrization of the tumor initial condition, σ is the standard deviation of the associated Gaussian basis functions, and maxiti
= (maxiti,N , maxiti,K ) denotes the maximum number of Newton iterations and Krylov iterations (for the KKT system) for the tumor inversion (i = T ) and registration (i = R), respectively,.