DuoAdvance can infect activated and resting primary CD4+ T cells.
DuoAdvance (DuoAd, DA) was added to CCL19‐treated or PHA/IL‐2‐activated primary CD4+ T cells at a TCID50 of 0.5 for 2 hours. The cells were washed and then cultured for a further six days. Uninfected cells (mock), cells infected with DuoAd in the presence of Nevirapine (NVP) to block infection, and cells infected with 0.5 TCID50 NL4.3‐EGFP as a comparative control were included. In some experiments, spinoculation (spin, closed symbols) was included. (A) FACS dot plots from a representative experiment is shown and includes the gating used to determine GFP+E2CRM− (latent) and E2CRM+ (Productive) cells. (B, C) Resulting levels of GFP+E2CRM− latent and E2CRM− productive cells from n ≤ 6 experiments are shown. On a separate graph, the levels of GFP+ (productive infection reporter) and E2CRM+ (background) from the NL4.3‐EGFP infection positive control are also shown. (D) The ratio of productive to latent infection was calculated using the data from B and C, with the fluorescence background in the mock sample subtracted from the DuoAd‐infected samples before calculating the productive to latent infection ratio. Each symbol represents a different donor and the height of the column represents the mean of the experiments.