Figure 8.
Schematic of RSV F highlighting structural features and subtype differences in immunogenicity. A composite RSV F trimer comprising a subunit each from the structures of B18537, B9320 (PDB 5UDE), and A2 (PDB 4MMU) shows a shape similar to the individual structures. Each subunit is shown as worm representation with thickness indicating B factor values. On the subunit of B18537 is mapped the RMSD between the structures of B18537 and A2 F in a gradient of red; on that of B9320, the RMSD between the structures of B18537 and B9320 F in a gradient of green; and on that of A2 is mapped the sequence entropy of RSV F subtypes A and B sequences in a gradient of purple. The positions of sites Ø and III on the front face are marked with contours in red and pale-yellow, respectively.