Rift Valley Fever virus |
Standard Methods and Procedures (SMPs) for control of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) in the Greater Horn of Africa |
(38) |
Rift Valley fever surveillance: FAO Animal Health and Production Manual No. 21 |
(39) |
The Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan (FAD PreP)—Disease Response Strategy: Rift Valley Fever |
Animal quarantine and movement control (state level)
Possible restrictions on interstate commerce
Vaccination, if vaccine is available
Possible euthanasia and mass depopulation of affected animals
Wildlife management
Vector control
(40) |
Japanese Encephalitis Virus |
“Japanese encephalitis virus infection, diagnosis and control in domestic animals” |
Vaccination of animals
Vector control
(41) |
WHO-recommended standards for surveillance of selected vaccine-preventable diseases |
Vaccination of people,
Assessment of the impact of vaccination
Syndromic surveillance for acute encephalitis syndrome
Standardized, aggregate, data reporting
(42) |
Manual for the Laboratory Diagnosis of Japanese Encephalitis Virus Infection |
(43) |
The Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan (FAD PReP)—Disease Response Strategy: Japanese encephalitis virus |
Quarantine and movement control
Stamping out—swine depopulation on infected premises within 24 h
Vaccination, if vaccine is available
Public outreach campaigns
Wildlife management
Vector control
(40) |
African Swine Fever Virus |
African swine fever. In OIE terrestrial manual 2012. |
(44) |
The Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan (FAD PReP)—Disease Response Strategy: Rift Valley Fever (2013) |
Biocontainment and stamping out on infected premises
Public outreach campaigns
Prevent contact between feral and commercial swine
Possible feral swine depopulation in affected areas
Quarantine and movement control, particularly for fomites
Possible complete movement standstill for live swine
(45) |
USDA: Swine Hemorrhagic Fevers: African and Classical Swine Fever Integrated Surveillance Plan |
Detailed sampling and testing recommendations, case definitions, and reporting for commercial, backyard, and feral swine
(46) |