Fig. 2. DNA hypomethylation in ESAM.
a The genome position of each locus is plotted against its −log10(P value). Depicted, from the inner to the outermost ring, are the recovered (DL) single site, acute (DC) single site, and DC cluster-based differential methylation results. Red lines mark the Bonferroni threshold of significance for each analysis. Black (N = 157) and red dots (N = 166) pass this significance threshold, in their respective analyses. Gene symbols around the plot perimeter represent the gene(s) within 10 kb of the significantly differentially methylated clusters (outer ring). Gene symbols in blue are hypomethylated in ESAM, gene symbols in orange are hypermethylated. b Volcano plot of effect sizes among all DC single sites. c Concordance of effect size and adjusted statistical significance between Jamaica and Malawi DC samples at the N = 157 Bonferroni-significant single CpG sites; ten sites were found to be age-sensitive in each of the country-specific analyses and were omitted (Methods). All P values are based on t test results from regression analyses.