Senegalia kerrii. A – Leaf showing numerous pinnae and position of petiole gland (thick arrow) and rachis gland (thin arrows). B – Pod (sub-mature) showing distinct stipe (s). C – Leaflet (lower surface) small, showing broadly acute apex and rather evident main vein. D – Stipule. E − Rachis gland. F – Node showing branchlet with short, straight, patent hairs and petiole gland (p) close to leaf base. G – Petiole gland (oblique view, peripterous). H – Petiole gland (plane view, cupular). Vouchers: Y.H. Li 5191(A & C); Sino-Vietnam Expedition s.n. (B & H); C.W. Wang s.n. (D, E, F & G). Drawn by Waiwai Hove (A, B, C & F) and Joshua Yang (D, E, G & H).