Senegalia tonkinensis. A – Branchlet showing leaves and immature pods. B – Rachis (portion) showing gland at base of pinnae and leaflets dark green and glossy on their upper surface. C – Rachis (portion) showing prickles on lower surface and leaflets pale green with dull lustre on their lower surface. D – Branchlet showing prickles and dense indumentum of short, straight, patent, light brown hairs. E − New shoot showing reddish brown young leaflets. F – Leaflets (lower surface) showing main vein starting centrally at base and ±truncate apex with an excentric, fine point. G – Lowermost petiole gland (with ant visitation). H – Leaf base showing two prominent petiole glands. Voucher: All from L. Bai & F.C. Ning BLK-124 except B (unvouchered). Photos: L. Bai BKL-118 (A, B, C, E & F) and B.R. Maslin & L. Bai BRM 11041 (D, G & H). Scale bar = 5 mm (unless otherwise indicated).