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. 2019 Dec 13;10:1281. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.01281

Table 2.

Patient demographics, history, symptoms, and results of diagnostic studies in 16 patients with cochlea-facial nerve dehiscence.

Group 1: Cochlea-facial nerve dehiscence and third window syndrome patients who underwent round window reinforcement surgery
Patient (age at surgery) Sex Cognitive dysfunction Spatial disorientation Anxiety Nausea Migraine/Migrainous Headache Duration of medical migraine management before surgery Pre-trauma migraine Trauma Surgery performed (length of follow-up) High-resolution TB CT
1* (12.75) M Impaired attention and concentration; dysnomia, agrammatical speech and aprosdia; difficulty reading; Impaired memory No No Yes Daily migraine HA, infrequent ocular migraine 2.5 months Rare migraine HA Football concussion, TWS after vigorous nose blowing during acute sinusitis L RWR (52 months) L CFD
2* (12.92) M Impaired attention and concentration; difficulty reading; Impaired memory Rare difficulty with judging distances and sense of detachment No No 24/7, light sensitivity 15 months None Snowboarding accident, LOC L RWR
R RWR (71 months)
3 (15.17) F Impaired attention and concentration; dysnomia, agrammatical speech and aprosdia; Impaired memory No No No 3 days clusters of migraine HA, light sensitivity, occasional ocular migraine 27 months Childhood migraine HA, infrequent Mononucleosis/
pneumonia, severe coughing
R RWR (10 months)
4 (16.5) F Impaired attention and concentration; dysnomia, agrammatical speech and aprosdia; difficulty in name finding; difficulty reading; Impaired memory Mild difficulty judging distances, particularly in cars No Once 24/7, light sensitive, vestibular migraine with rotational vertigo, occasional ocular migraine 13 months None Concussion, basketball blow to head, sinus infection with vigorous nose blowing L RWR (49 months) L CFD
5* (17.19) F Impaired attention and concentration; dysnomia, agrammatical speech and aprosdia; slurred speech; difficulty in name finding; Impaired memory Difficulty judging distances; sense of detachment No No Constant headache and daily migraine HA 21 months Concussions (3), onset of symptoms after severe vomiting during influenza infection R RWR (69 months) R CFD
6* (19.0) F Impaired attention and concentration; dysnomia, agrammatical speech and aprosdia; slurred speech; difficulty in name finding; Impaired memory (lost her photographic memory) Difficulty judging distances; sense of detachment Sense of impending doom Yes (constant) Frequent migraine HA, light sensitivity, ocular migraine (2), vestibular migraine with rotational vertigo 85 months Migraine HA history began at age 11 years Concussions (3) R RWR (11 months) R CFD
7* (51.42) F Impaired attention and concentration; dysnomia, agrammatical speech and aprosdia; slurred speech; difficulty in name finding; slurred speech; difficulty in name finding; Impaired memory Difficulty in judging distances; sense of detachment; perception of walls breathing Sense of impending doom Yes Daily migraine HA 22 months None MVA with airbag deployment L RWR (12 months) L CFD
8 (52.92) F Impaired attention and concentration; dysnomia, agrammatical speech and aprosdia; Impaired memory Difficulty in judging distances; sense of detachment; occasional out of body experiences No Yes (extreme) Chronic migraine HA, ocular migraine once monthly, infrequent vestibular migraine with rotational vertigo 16 months Adult onset migraine HA clusters with menstrual cycle MVA R RWR (37 months) R CFD
Group 2: Cochlea-facial nerve dehiscence and third window syndrome patients who did not undergo round window reinforcement surgery
Patient (age at presentation) Sex Cognitive dysfunction Spatial disorientation Anxiety Nausea Migraine/Migrainous Headache Duration of medical migraine management before surgery Pre-trauma migraine Trauma Surgery performed High-resolution TB CT
1 (6.65) M Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes Weekly migraine HA, intermittent vestibular migraine NA NA None None Bilateral CFD (R > L)
2 (7.58) F Impaired attention and concentration; dysnomia, agrammatical speech and aprosdia; difficulty reading; Impaired memory Difficulty judging distances No No Weekly migraine HA, vestibular migraine with rotational vertigo 1 time per week NA NA None None L CFD
3 (27.88) F Mild impaired attention, concentration and memory No No Yes Daily migraine HA, ocular migraines (2) NA Migraine HA 2 times per week, ocular migraine (1) Taxi trunk lid “slammed” on head None L CFD
4 (28.71) F Impaired attention and concentration; dysnomia, agrammatical speech and aprosdia; difficulty reading; Impaired memory and forgetful Difficulty in judging distances; sense of detachment; perception of walls and floor moving No Yes Daily HA with severe migraine HA 2–3 times per week, occasional vestibular migraine with rotational vertigo NA None MVA with mTBI None Bilateral CFD (L > R)
5 (30.27) F Impaired attention and concentration; dysnomia, agrammatical speech and aprosdia; occasional slurred speech; difficulty reading; Impaired memory Difficulty in judging distances; sense of detachment; perception of walls moving No Yes Migraine HA 2–3 times per week, occasional perimenstrual vestibular migraine with rotational vertigo, ocular migraine (1) NA Onset migraine HA age 5 None None Bilateral CFD
6 (34.61) M Impaired attention and concentration; dysnomia, agrammatical speech and aprosdia; occasional slurred speech; difficulty in name finding; Impaired memory Perception of walls swaying; perceives room proportions distorted No Yes Nearly constant migraine HA NA “Sinus headaches” None; onset symptoms after 4 days of Adderall None L CFD or near-CFD
7 (54.71) M No No No Yes Vestibular migraine with rotational vertigo, no migraine HA NA NA None None L CFD
8 (55.67) F Impaired attention and concentration; dysnomia, agrammatical speech and aprosdia; occasional slurred speech; difficulty in name finding; Impaired memory Difficulty in judging distances No Yes Occasional migraine HA NA NA None None L CFD

See video links in references (1519) [Cohort 1: subject 1 (15), subject 2 (16), subject 5 (17), subject 6 (18), subject 7 (19)]; 24/7 = migraine headache present constantly, 24 h per day and 7 days per week while awake; CFD, cochlea-facial nerve dehiscence; CT, computed tomography scan; CT–, CT negative (no dehiscence seen on CT); F, female; HA, headache; L, left; LOC, loss of consciousness; M, male; mTBI, mild traumatic brain injury; MVA, motor vehicle accident; TB, temporal bone; R, right. The classification of headache and migraine used in this study followed the International Headache Society's International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition (ICHD3).