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. 2019 Dec 19;16:181. doi: 10.1186/s12978-019-0836-0

Table 4.

Regression difference-in-differences (DiD) estimates of the impact of CHAs on modern contraceptive use adjusting for the effects of socio-demographic covariates

Covariates Odds Ratio P > t [95% Conf. Interval]
DiD (Ref: Baseline)
 Post (Endline) 1.026 0.779 .857 1.229
Village (Ref: Control Village)
 Treatment Village 1.000 0.999 .839 1.191
 DiD Interaction (Post*Treatment) 1.026 0.822 .819 1.286
 Age 1.456 0.000** 1.387 1.528
 Age squared .994 0.000** .993 .995
Education (ref: no education)
 Less than secondary education 1.438 0.000** 1.202 1.719
 Secondary education or more 1.480 0.002** 1.154 1.898
Religion (Ref: Christian)
 Muslim 1.000 0.992 .879 1.140
 Traditional or other .072 0.000** .035 .149
Marital Status (Ref: Married)
 Living with partner 1.154 0.159 .946 1.409
 Divorced .739 0.015* .580 .942
 Widowed .567 0.003** .388 .828
 Single .847 0.073 .707 1.016
Wealth Quintile (Ref: Poorest)
 Poor 1.013 0.909 .806 1.274
 Better 1.299 0.004** 1.086 1.553
 Less Poor .940 0.591 .751 1.177
 Least Poor 1.101 0.422 .871 1.392
 Parity 1.075 0.000** 1.035 1.118
 _cons .002 0.000** .001 .003

Summary statistics *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01

Observations: 5469

Wald chi2 (18) 522.36

Prob > chi2 0.000

Pseudo R2: 0.0718