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. 2019 Dec 11;8:e50134. doi: 10.7554/eLife.50134

Figure 4. Hindlimb muscle activity during locomotion before and after spinal transection.

Figure 4.

(A) Hindlimb locomotor pattern before (Intact) and six weeks after transection in four cats from the three groups, including two from Group 2, during tied-belt locomotion at 0.4 m/s. The effects of perineal stimulation is shown after spinal transection. Each panel shows the EMG from four hindlimb muscles from the right (R) and left (L) hindlimbs: SOL, soleus; BFA, biceps femoris anterior; SRT, anterior sartorius. (B) Cycle, stance and swing durations and the phasing between hindlimbs with no (NPS) or with (PS) perineal stimulation at 6 weeks after spinal transection. (C) Effect of perineal stimulation on the burst durations and mean EMG amplitudes of the triceps surae (TS, soleus n = 8 or lateral gastrocnemius n = 2) or SRT (n = 7) muscles at 6 weeks after spinal transection. P values above panels in B and C from paired t-tests comparing values obtained without and with perineal stimulation.