A) Overlap of MeCP2-repressed genes (Supplementary Table 3 from
Gabel et al., 2015) and CA1 FMRP targets with CLIP score > 1. Of the 466 MeCP2-repressed genes, 376 are expressed in CA1 pyramidal neurons and of those 20.7% have a CLIP score > 1 and 5.3% are stringent FMRP targets. Significance of overlap was determined by Fisher’s exact test. (
B) Consistent with FMRP binding to transcripts from MeCP2-repressed genes, MeCP2-repressed genes are down-regulated in
Fmr1 KO CA1 TRAP. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, p-value<2.2×10
−16. (
C) To assess any effect of 5’ or 3’ sequencing bias in TRAP on quantification of transcript abundance and thereby FMRP binding, CLIP scores were calculated based on normalization to TRAP reads mapping to the full transcript, TRAP reads mapping only to the first 1 kb per transcript or TRAP reads mapping only to the last 1 kb per transcript. CLIP scores were highly correlated regardless of transcript region used for FMRP CLIP normalization. Pearson correlation shown for each pairwise comparison. (
D) Stringent FMRP targets were defined as transcripts with CLIP score >2 in all replicates from CLIP scores calculated by normalization to TRAP reads from different transcript regions as described for panel C. In all cases, the stringent targets showed the same enrichment in long transcripts compared to all expressed genes. (
E) Decrease in FMRP targets in
Fmr1 KO mice is independent of transcript expression level. A set of FMRP stringent targets (CLIP score > 2 in every replicate) and non-targets (mean CLIP score < 1) were selected that had the same distribution of TRAP RPKM values. Cumulative density function plots of the log
2 fold change between
Fmr1 KO TRAP and WT TRAP for these subsets show specific down-regulation of the bound transcripts. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test: stringent targets vs expression-matched non-targets, p-value<2.2×10