Fig. 7. In vivo interaction of Prevotella and Candida in colonization of the mouse intestine.
a Schematic diagram of fungal and bacterial administration in the mouse intestine: germ-free BALB/c mice were administered with C. albicans (n = 4), P. copri (n = 5) or C. albicans + P. copri (n = 5). C. albicans was orally administered on day 0, and P. copri was orally administered on days 3–9. b–d Copy numbers of C. albicans (b, d) and P. copri (c, d) per gram of feces at the indicated time points (days) in mono- and co-administered groups. The number of mice, in which the copy numbers of the microorganisms were above the detection limit, is indicated on the graph. Data are representative of two independent experiments and are shown as means ± SD. The mean values are calculated based on copy numbers that were above the detection limit. e FISH using Candida-specific probe Dual 1249 (green), Prevotella-specific probe PRV392 (red), and 4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI; blue) on Carnoy’s fixed colon sections harvested from mice 26 days after the initial colonization. Scale bars, 10 µm.