Figure 1. Genetic Risk for SCZ and ASD Converge on Partially Overlapping and Partially Distinct Neurodevelopmental Modules.
BrainSpan module enrichment for SCZ (red) and ASD (blue) risk variant datasets, 22q11.2 genes (green), and the 22q11.2 brain-development PPI network (22qBD-PPI network; here shown tested for module enrichment using Fisher’s Exact tests). Log p values are indicated by color intensity for all datasets with enrichment odds ratios >1.0. To show potential convergence of enrichment across datasets, all enrichment values for p<0.05 are annotated (+p<0.05; *FDR corrected p<0.05 for number of modules). Numerical values denote number of 22q11.2 genes in each module. ^Module enriched for neuronal cell-type markers.