Representative images of pancreatic tissue sections from donors with ages ranging from G35w (35 wks G) to 65 years, showing progressive developmental changes in amylase expression. A: Amylase production increases over the first year of development to include all exocrine tissue with the exception of peri- and tele-islet AMY− cell clusters that are apparent by age 2 years. B: Peri-islet AMY− cell clusters are found adjacent to the islet, while tele-islet clusters have no associated islet. C: Peri- and tele-islet AMY− cluster density varied across all ages analyzed: 2–65 years. Data points represent density per whole tissue section for individual donors. Data are presented as mean ± SD and analyzed by one-way ANOVA with Tukey post hoc test for multiple comparisons. Scale bars: 2 mm (A, upper panel, and B); 600 µm, with inset 100 μm (A, lower panel [5 weeks]); 600 μm (4 months–2 years); 300 μm (65 years); and 500 μm (Ba and Bb).