Fig. 11.
Correlation of 15N chemical shift differences between the ground state A and the excited state C for the Δ10/I24N and Δ30 constructs determined from 15N CPMG relaxation dispersion, and the differences in chemical shifts between folded and random coil states. The correlations for Δ30 and Δ10/I24N are shown in red and blue, respectively. (Top) β2-strand including the first residue (Asp70) of the β2–β3 turn. (Middle) β3 strand. (Bottom) α2-helix, helical turn, and loop connecting them. The correlations for the helical turn (ht) and the short loop connecting the helix to the helical turn are shown as solid circles. The dashed lines serve to guide the eye. The random coil shifts were calculated from the sequence using the algorithm of ref. 40.