Theoretical low-energy model analysis. (A) Schematics of electron and hole pockets in the low-energy three-band model before (dashed) and after (solid) application of compressive strain. Direction of strain-induced band shifts were taken from DFT calculations (Fig. 3). (B) Density of states of three-band model before (dashed) and after (solid) rigid band shifts and . All energies are in units of the light-hole bandwidth . The shift ratio is taken to be 5 times larger than the one found within DFT (see SI Appendix for a detailed discussion). Bandwidths are set to and . Effective masses are assumed to be strain-independent for simplicity, and their ratios were set to and , which approximately agrees with SdH oscillation analysis (SI Appendix). The bottoms of the bands are at and . The chemical potential is indicated by the vertical dotted line (total electronic filling ). (C) Carrier densities of the different bands as a function of temperature for 0 and finite strain. Colors and line styles are identical to A and B. C, Inset shows that increases at low [as long as ], but decreases at higher , eventually causing the sign change of the ER. (D) Elastoresistivity contribution that arises from redistribution of carriers due to rigid band shifts is shown in B. We have assumed that these band shifts are caused by strain of size . Comparison with DFT yields that (relative shift to the pocket) and, thus, K. At , as electrons move from the to the band, increasing the total number of carriers (C, Inset). At (or, more specifically, ), the band is only partially filled, and moving it closer to the chemical potential shifts hole carriers from to the pocket, where their contribution to the conductivity is smaller. We note that the total ER also contains a contribution from the strain-induced increase of the effective masses, which leads to an approximately -independent negative shift of ER.