Fig. 7.
Competing effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment (Ca) and warming of the GS (∆T). Contour lines for each response variable were obtained from linear regressions with ∆T (based on historic, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 weather) at each of 3 Ca (historic, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5; n = 520 per Ca). Superimposed are ∆T distributions for an RCP4.5 future (lower box and whisker, n = 240) and an RCP8.5 future (upper box and whisker, n = 240; boxes = 25th to 75th percentile with median line; whiskers = 10th and 90th percentiles; symbols = remainder). (A) Stress in nonacclimated stands indicated by contours of mean PLCmax (gray) and the 10% mortality contour (dashed black; 10% of simulations reaching PLCmax ≥ 85). (B) NPP in acclimated stands indicated by contours of percentage change (all percentages relative to historic) of acclimated stands. (C) AGB in acclimated stands indicated by contours of percentage change.