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. 2019 Oct 28;18:100289. doi: 10.1016/j.invent.2019.100289

Table 1.

Summary statistics of the demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population (n = 160).

Characteristic N %
What is your age?
 N 160
 Mean (SD) 63.29 (12.26)
 Median (min-max) 64.00 (24.00–91.00)
What is your race?
 Hispanic 11 6.88
 Non-Hispanic White 140 87.50
 Black or African American 6 3.75
 American Indian or Alaska Native 2 1.25
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1 <0.01
What is your highest level of education
 Did not receive a high school diploma/GED 15 9.49
 High school diploma/GED 50 31.65
 Technical/vocational degree 7 4.43
 Some college credits or 2-year college degree 49 31.01
 Bachelor's degree 29 18.35
 Master's degree 5 3.16
 M.D., Ph.D., or other doctorate degree 3 1.90
Education dichotomized into HS v HS+
 High school, GED, vocational or did not finish HS 72 45.57
 Some college credits or bachelor's degree 86 54.43
 Full-time 57 35.63
 Part time 5 3.13
 Not seeking nor employed 10 6.25
 Seeking but not employed 7 4.38
 Retired 71 44.38
 Homemaker 5 3.13
 Student 2 1.25
 Disabled 5 3.13
Marital status
 Single living alone 18 11.25
 Single living with significant other 7 4.38
 Married living with spouse 98 61.25
 Married but living apart 1 0.63
 Separated 1 0.63
 Divorced 20 12.50
 Widowed 15 9.38
Living alone
 No, living with someone 105 65.63
 Lives alone 55 34.38
 Managerial/professional (college degree or more): e.g., executive manager, te 46 29.49
 Technical (associate degree, junior college): e.g., health workers, artists 15 9.62
 Clerical/retail: e.g., secretaries, receptionists, sales persons 17 10.90
 Service Occupations: e.g., housekeeper, restaurant worker, cosmetologist, ch 7 4.49
 Operators/labors: e.g., bus driver, janitor, machine operators 43 27.56
 Homemaker 5 3.21
 Student 1 0.64
 Unemployed 10 6.41
 Other 12 7.69
What is your income before taxes?
 No income 15 9.74
 Less than $5000 6 3.90
 $5001–$10,000 6 3.90
 $10,001–$20,000 20 12.99
 $20,001–$30,000 20 12.99
 $30,001–$50,000 30 19.48
 $50,001–$75,000 28 18.18
 More than $75,000 29 18.83
Chemotherapy status
 Concurrent chemotherapy 82 67.77
 Induction chemotherapy 2 1.65
 Both induction and concurrent chemotherapy 2 1.65
 No chemotherapy 35 28.93
AJCC disease stage
 1 4 3.36
 2 10 8.40
 3 33 27.73
 4 72 60.50
Early vs late stage disease
 Stages I & II 14 11.76
 Stages III–IV 105 88.24
Disease sites
 Larynx 30 18.75
 Oropharynx 49 30.62
 Hypopharynx 3 1.87
 Nasopharynx 4 2.5
 Oral cavity yes 35 21.87
 Other 38 23.75
 Urban 81 50.63
 Rural 79 49.38