Figure 4.
WASP Does Not Require Active Rac to Recruit the Arp2/3 Complex and Trigger Actin Polymerization on Puncta
(A) Live imaging of migrating wasA− cells co-expressing GFP-WASP (rescue) and mRFPmars2-ArpC4. WASP puncta are evenly distributed at the rear and are all Arp2/3 complex positive. The area indicated by the square is highlighted within insets. Scale bar represents 10 μm.
(B) GFP-WASP appears on a punctum (t = 0 s, cyan arrow) alongside mRFPmars2-ArpC4 and then synchronously disappears (t = 9 s).
(C) Live imaging of migrating wasA− cells co-expressing GFP-WASPΔCRIB and mRFPmars2-ArpC4. All WASPΔCRIBpuncta cluster within the enlarged rear (square). As highlighted (insets), all GFP-WASPΔCRIB spots are Arp2/3 complex positive. Scale bar represents 10 μm.
(D) GFP-WASPΔCRIB appears as a punctum (t = 0 s, cyan arrow) along with mRFPmars2-ArpC4. WASPΔCRIB remains within spots (alongside the Arp2/3 complex) and then synchronously disappears (t = 117 s).
(E) Live imaging of migrating wasA− cells co-expressing GFP-WASP∗∗CRIB and mRFPmars2-ArpC4. All WASP∗∗CRIBpuncta cluster within the enlarged rear (square). As shown in insets, all WASPΔCRIB spots are Arp2/3 complex positive. Scale bar represents 10 μm.
(F) GFP-WASP∗∗CRIB appears as a punctum (t = 0 s, cyan arrow) alongside mRFPmars2-ArpC4. They disappear synchronously (t = 27 s).
(G) Lifetime of wild-type and WASP CRIB mutants’ puncta. wasA−/GFP-WASP (n = 52 puncta): 7.2 ± 0.5 s; wasA−/GFP-WASPΔCRIB (n = 28 puncta): 53.4 ± 16.6 s; wasA−/GFP-WASP∗∗CRIB (n = 24 puncta): 35.8 ± 5.1 s; means ± SEM. Kruskal-Wallis test, wasA−/GFP-WASP versus wasA−/GFP-WASPΔCRIB = p < 0.0001; wasA−/GFP-WASP versus wasA−/GFP-WASP∗∗CRIB = p < 0.0001).
(H) Live imaging of migrating wasA− cells expressing LifeAct-mRFPmars2 and GFP-WASP (rescue, left), GFP-WASPΔCRIB (center), and GFP-WASP∗∗CRIB (right). All puncta generated by wild-type WASP or WASP CRIB are F-actin positive. Examples indicated by squares are highlighted within insets. Scale bars represent 10 μm. Related to Video S2.
(I) Live imaging of wasA− cells expressing GFP-WASP and mRFPmars2-ArpC4 treated with Rac inhibitor (EHT1864). Before EHT1864 addition (t = −10 s), cells are polarized and WASP generates Arp2/3-complex-positive puncta (square). Shortly after treatment (t = 0 s), cells become rounder. As highlighted by squares, WASP generates Arp2/3-complex-positive puncta even after 10 min from treatment. Scale bar represents 10 μm.
See also Figure S3.