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. 2019 Nov 26;16(23):4699. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16234699

Table 4.

Results of instrumental probit regression of effect of obesity on hypertension.

Full Sample Sub-Sample
High BP and Medically Confirmed Hypertension Medically Confirmed Hypertension Only High BP and Medically Confirmed Hypertension High BP and Medically Confirmed Hypertension
Coefficient. z-stat Coefficient Z-stat Coefficient. z-stat Coefficient Z-stat
BMI - - - - 0.1754 *** 3.54 - -
Arm circumference 0.2134 *** 8.27 0.2388 *** 11.30 - - 0.0013 *** 3.01
Age of the women 0.0127 1.35 0.0007 0.07 0.0223 1.56 0.0320 *** 2.93
Rural area 0.0355 0.56 0.0640 0.86 −0.0259 −0.26 −0.0132 −0.13
Central −0.2024 *** −2.86 −0.3524 *** −4.10 −0.1779 −1.60 −0.0154 −0.14
Greater Accra −0.1789 −1.78 −0.2539 ** −2.38 −0.0390 −0.25 0.1068 0.84
Volta −0.0705 −0.86 −0.0643 −0.67 0.0010 0.01 0.2600 ** 2.29
Eastern −0.1045 −1.43 −0.0978 −1.18 −0.0785 −0.71 0.1000 0.89
Ashanti 0.0017 0.02 −0.0615 −0.78 −0.1187 −1.09 −0.0150 −0.14
Brong Ahafo 0.0052 0.08 −0.0462 −0.58 −0.0018 −0.02 0.1502 1.25
Northern 0.1452 1.92 0.2368 *** 3.02 0.0378 0.31 0.2140 1.29
Upper East −0.0497 −0.67 0.0219 0.27 −0.1132 −1.01 0.1432 0.95
Upper West −0.1688 ** −2.09 −0.2142 ** −2.07 −0.1306 −1.10 0.1143 0.75
Relationship with the head
Wife to the Head 0.0013 0.02 0.0005 0.00 0.0228 0.19 0.0583 0.44
Daughter to the Head 0.1136 1.59 0.1331 1.59 0.0926 0.86 0.0504 0.45
Head is Female 0.1102 1.55 0.0713 0.78 0.1028 0.94 0.1240 1.07
Currently Pregnant −0.1756 ** −1.99 0.0255 0.33 −0.3018 ** −2.29 −0.5189 *** −4.41
Does not smoke 0.0083 0.08 −0.0600 −0.58 0.3667 0.91 0.2331 0.56
Has health insurance 0.0361 0.94 0.1341 ** 2.05 0.0584 1.07 0.0139 0.22
Number of Unions 0.0236 0.68 0.0480 1.05 0.0620 1.32 0.0618 1.28
Currently Working −0.1562 *** −3.96 −0.1614 *** −3.45 −0.1417 ** −2.26 −0.1331 ** −1.99
Cook with broth cubes −0.0505 ** −2.13 −0.0243 −0.96 −0.0853 ** −2.31 −0.0991 ** −2.54
Cook with Processed can meats −0.0818 ** −2.20 −0.1063 *** −2.84 −0.0590 −1.04 −0.0097 −0.17
Cook with Salted dried meat 0.0567 ** 2.03 0.0884 *** 2.77 0.0609 1.49 0.0735 1.75
Number of days ate fruits −0.0144 ** −2.09 −0.0257 *** −3.55 −0.0152 −1.44 −0.0179 −1.55
Number of days ate vegetables 0.0039 0.55 0.0135 1.79 −0.0028 −0.26 −0.0056 −0.52
No. of trips in the past 12 months −0.0044 −1.68 −0.0076 *** −2.83 −0.0050 −1.26 −0.0039 −0.96
Constant −7.5261 *** −20.18 −8.1314 *** −40.74 −7.1926 *** −7.85 −5.5169 *** −7.50
Athrho −0.8511 *** −3.61 −1.1000 *** −3.43 −0.5942 ** −2.01 −0.4155 −1.76
Lnsigma 1.3584 *** 185.93 1.3585 *** 185.92 1.3420 *** 130.70 6.0789 *** 592.06
Rho −0.6916 −0.8005 −0.5329 −0.3931
Sigma 3.8900 3.8903 3.8267 436.5483
Number of observations 9367 9367 4743 4743
Wald chi2(26) 2905.26 *** 3120.61 *** 915.11 *** 706.08 ***
Wald test of exogeneity chi2(1) 13.05 *** 11.79 *** 4.03 ** 3.09 *

Note: *** Statistically significant at 1% level; ** Statistically significant at 5% level; * Statistically significant at 10% level.