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. 2019 Dec 2;16(23):4847. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16234847

Table 1.

Model variables.

Variables Definition Measurement
Health technicians per 1000 Persons Health technicians include doctors with authorization, registered nurses, pharmacists, laboratory physician, radiologists, and other medical professionals. Density per 1000 population
Beds per 1000 Persons Beds are the total number of beds that are available in medical institution, excluding beds for observation, extra beds, etc. Density per 1000 population
Per capital total health expenditure The ratio of the total amount of money raised from the whole society for health services to the population of a region in a certain period of time. Yuan
Maternal mortality rate The maternal mortality rate is the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 women. Per 100,000
Perinatal survival rate Perinatal mortality is the number of perinatal deaths, which occurs in the second trimester, during yield and within 7 days of birth. Per 1000
Life expectancy Life expectancy at birth measures how long, on average, a newborn can be expected to live. Years
Outpatients visit Total number of outpatient visits during the Financial year. Per 100,000
Inpatients visit Total number of inpatient visits during the Financial year. Per 100,000
Inpatient days It is calculated by the total number of days discharged patients are in bed divided by the number discharged patients. Days
Independent variables
Region China is divided into the east region, middle region and western region, according to the geographical location and the level of economic development.
Per capital GDP The level of per capital GDP is measured by dividing the gross domestic productof each province by the average population Billion yuan
Education Education level is reflected by comparing the number of higher education students per 100,000 population in each province with the average of higher education students per 100,000 population. Per 100,0000 population
Government health expenditure Government health expenditure are the funds used by governments at all levels for medical and health services, medical security subsidies, health and medical security administration, population and family planning affairs expenditures, and other undertakings. 10,000 yuan
Social health expenditure Social health expenditure is outside government expenditure: all sectors of society invest in health. Billion yuan
Personal health expenditure Personal health expenditure are the cash payment by residents when receiving various health services. Billion yuan
public hospital Number of public hospitals are the total number of hospitals that are owned or controlled by a government unit or other public corporations.
private hospital Number of private hospitals are total number of hospitals that are not owned or controlled by government or other public organizations.