Table 9.
The closest elements in the EHR embedding spaces for fever and diabetes, d is cosine distance
Swedish: feber fever | d | Spanish: fiebre | d |
tempstegring rising temp. | .73 | febrícula low-grade fever | .65 |
subfebrilitet inc. temperature | .73 | fibre* | .61 |
frossa shivering | .72 | febricula* | .59 |
feberkänsla feeling of fever | .71 | escalofríos_y_fiebre chills_and_fever | .56 |
halsont sore throat | .67 | escalofrios chills | .55 |
Swedish: diabetes | Spanish: diabetes | ||
DM † | .83 | diabetes_mellitus | .74 |
diabetiker diabetic | .79 | DM † | .70 |
diabets* | .79 | Dm † | .59 |
diabtes* | .73 | diabétes* | .53 |
diabetets* | .74 | diabético diabetic | .52 |
*denotes misspellings