Fig. 2.
Benchmarking RADAR on two simulation models. We benchmarked RADAR and other alternative methods on simulated data. Using two simulation models—a random effect (RADAR) model and a quad-negative-binomial (QNB) model, we simulated dataset of eight replicates of varying true effect sizes (0.5, 0.75, and 1) with and without covariates. We tested different methods on simulated dataset and compared the results at an FDR cutoff of 0.1 with simulated true sites. We show the sensitivity (fraction of true sites detected by the method at an FDR cutoff of 0.1) and false discovery rate (fraction of detected differential sites that are not true sites) of each method applied on data simulated by the random effect model without covariates (a) and with covariates (b) and the quad-negative-binomial model without covariates (c) and with covariates (d), respectively. The FDR cutoff used to select DM sites is labeled by a dashed line