Fig. 1.
ABCD RSFC and functional network architecture is highly reproducible. (A) Group average correlation matrices in a discovery and replication set, and the difference (Discovery - Replication). Color bar represents Fisher Z-transformed correlations between ROIs. (B) Group average functional networks. The correlation across every ROI pair between the discovery and replication dataset was r = 0.99. Functional network architecture was similarly highly reproducible with a normalized mutual information value (NMI) of 0.98. Fronto-Par = Frontoparietal; Dorsal Attn = Dorsal Attention; Ventral Attn = Ventral Attention; Cing-Oper = Cingulo-opercular; Hand SM = Hand Somatomotor; Face SM = Face Somatomotor; Foot SM = Foot Somatomotor; Post MTL = Posterior medial temporal lobe; Ant MTL = Anterior medial temporal lobe.