A,B) Data showing the number of retracting axon branches (
A) as well as the retraction rate of axon branches (
B) from control and
Nes-cre;Kdrlox/- mice shown in
Figure 6. Data represents mean ± SEM of at least three independent experiments. n.s. not significant; unpaired Student’s ttest. (
C) Representative images of beta-III tubulin stained 3 DIV hippocampal neurons treated with control or α-VEGFR2 AB. Axon branches are indicated by red arrowheads. Scale bars 50 µm. (
D,E) Quantification of the branch number (
D) and branch length (
E) of control and α-VEGFR2 AB treated neurons at 3 DIV. Data are represented as % of control, mean ± SEM, from at least three independent experiments. *p<0.05; unpaired Student’s ttest. (
F–H) Time-lapse movies over the course of 4 hr were recorded from 1 DIV hippocampal neurons of control and α-VEGFR2 AB treated neurons. The number of retracting axon branches was quantified over the course of the movies (
G) and the net growth as well as the retraction rate of axon branch was calculated (
F,H). Data represents mean ± SEM of at least three independent experiments. n.s. not significant; ***p<0.01; unpaired Student’s ttest. (
I) The number of newly forming actin patches during 2 min per 10 µm axon segment was counted in neurons treated with control and α-VEGFR2 AB. Data represents mean ± SEM of at least three independent experiments. n.s. not significant; unpaired Student’s ttest. (
J,K) The number and the size of newly forming protrusions and filopodia was analyzed during the course of 10 min in neurons treated with control and α-VEGFR2 AB. Data represents mean ± SEM of at least three independent experiments. *p<0.05; **p<0.01; unpaired Student’s ttest.