Fig. 2.
Transcriptomic profiles of single CMs in three different ARs: AR1 (square), AR7 (rectangle), and AR11 (elongated). a Boxplot of the number of genes detected in three different morphotypes. The box represents the median, 25% lower and 75% upper percentiles, and the whiskers show the ranges. *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001 (unpaired Student t test). b Three-dimensional t-SNE projection of 85 patterned CMs of different morphotypes (AR7, n = 31; AR1, n = 28; AR11, n = 26), based on all expressed genes. Different morphotypes are color-coded according to ARs. c PCA plots of 85 patterned, 24 unpatterned and 27 pre-patterned CMs, based on whole-genome expression values. Three principal components corresponding to three largest eigenvalues are shown. d Venn diagrams showing the number of significantly (false discovery rate-adjusted p value < 0.05) downregulated (top panel) and upregulated (bottom panel) genes in different morphotypic comparisons