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. 2019 Dec 17;10:864. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00864

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics and group comparisons regarding age, height, weight, BMI, depression, and self-esteem.

Total sample Women Men Test Statistics
M (SD) N Min; Max M (SD) N Min; Max M (SD) N Min; Max U p r
Age 33.05 (14.09) 1,327 16; 88 31.40 (13.33) 942 16; 83 37.08 (15.08) 385 16; 88 134,235 *** 0.2
Height 173.01 (9.04) 1,322 150; 212 169.15 (6.46) 938 150; 188 182.45 (7.33) 384 160; 212 31,581.5 *** 0.65
Weight 72.61 (16.89) 1,319 40; 175+ 67.73 (14.75) 936 40; 155 84.55 (15.85) 383 55; 175+ 63,599 *** 0.51
DASS-D 1.60 (0.62) 1,319 1; 4 1.62 (0.64) 937 1; 4 1.56 (0.57) 382 1; 4 187,904.50 n.s. 0.04
SISE 2.84 (0.76) 1,327 1; 4 2.77 (0.76) 942 1; 4 3.01 (0.72) 385 1; 4 151,165.50 *** 0.14
T p r
BMI 24.15 (4.88) 1,314 15.43; 62.75+ 23.65 (4.93) 932 15.43; 49.01 25.37 (4.55) 382 17.32; 62.75+ 5.88 *** 0.18

Age in years; height in centimeters; weight in kilograms. DASS, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale–Depression Subscale; SISE, Single-Item Self-Esteem scale; BMI, Body Mass Index; M, mean; SD, standard deviation; N, sample size; Min, minimum; Max, maximum; U, Mann-Whitney U test; t, t value; p, p value; r, correlation coefficient. ***p < .001; n.s., nonsignificant; + = one man reported this extreme but still realistic value regarding weight and BMI. In all general linear models and all generalized linear models, outlier detection marked him as an outlier and did not include him in the analyses.