Figure 3.
Satellite (SST) and 23 m-depth in situ (STR) temperature and calculated heat stress (DHW) for Pearl and Hermes Atoll, 2007–2012. (a) SST (red dots) and STR (blue dots) daily temperature time series with SST and STR bias-adjusted MMM thresholds (red and blue lines, respectively) for the SST climatologically warmest month (September, gray bars). (b) Surface DHW (MMM applied to SST surface temperature). (c) Subsurface unadjusted DHW (MMM applied directly to STR temperature) – the inappropriate nature of this combination is identified with the red prohibition sign). (d) Bias-adjusted subsurface DHW (bias-adjusted MMM applied to STR temperature). Horizontal black dashed line in (b,d) represents the threshold of DHW associated with the start of severe bleaching (i.e., DHW = 4 °C-weeks).